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Blog: The impact of working environment (and our new office)

11th November 2016

After two and a half years of working from home, and from the offices of clients, we have finally taken the leap and moved into an office at Fusion Hive on the North Shore in Stockton.

From our humble beginnings when I started out on my own and a lot of our early work was in London or overseas we have worked hard to establish ourselves as a North East-based Consultancy.  I was away travelling a lot and working from home suited me and us.  Then Laura joined the business, then Julie, Jade and Fiona.  We were growing…

As our organisation developed there would often be three of us working around our dining room table. It looked good on occasions, a bit messy, a few cool laptops, each of us on mobile phones, working out problems together, sharing a cup of tea. I remember thinking this is how a start-up should be, all we needed was a patch of artificial grass in the corner and we’d have it made!

Last week though I felt a new release of energy.  Our new office gave me a more regular desk space, I got some of my (many) books out and left them out, some stress and tension seemed to disappear and I have been thinking more clearly and with more positive thoughts about the next steps for Change & Transformation.

I’ve always been convinced our environment plays a much bigger part in our ability to think clearly and do our best work.  These last couple of weeks have reminded me of that.  If you want to get some space to think more clearly come and say hi, we’ve got a great space and access to some lovely meeting rooms.  And those of you who know me well won’t be surprised to hear I’ve already found my local coffee house.  Come and visit – we’d love to see you.

