As Entrepreneurs, we need to wear many different hats to give our businesses the best chance of success. One of the most important areas we need to be increasingly savvy in is cyber security.
Join DigitalCity on Tuesday 9 November to gain a better understanding of what the risks are, the signs to look out for, and how to manage them both in the office and while working remotely.
DigitalCity will be joined in delivery by Sencode Cyber Security – an agile and pioneering North-East-based UK SME that offer a full range of cyber security training modules with a new innovative approach to tackling modern cyber security issues.
In this short, sharp session, Cyber Awareness Instructor, Matthew Protheroe-Hill,and Certified Penetration Tester, Callum Duncan will empower you to start and grow your business securely, teaching you the many simple steps you can take to stay ahead of cybercrime without needing a large security budget or breaking the bank.
You will be guided through password best practices and how to identify threats and vulnerabilities so that you can mitigate the growing number of risks that all business owners face in an increasingly digital world.
To register please visit: