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Team Massive Results move to Fusion Hive in business boost

14th July 2015

A team of award winning business coaches is the latest company to join the thriving business community at Fusion Hive in Stockton.

Team Massive Results was established in 2005 by owner and head coach Ian Kinnery to enable its clients to get the best out of their businesses.

The company is now moving to the Fusion Hive at Stockton’s Northshore to benefit from the unique collaborative opportunities at the new innovation centre.

Team Massive Results bases its business coaching on delivering quantifiable results for its clients, enabling them to achieve better financial returns, while reducing stress and getting more enjoyment out of their work.

Ian Kinnery is now one of the world’s leading business coaches. A European Coach of the Year, Kinnery speaks at business conferences across the continent and is one of only four coaches in the UK to be certified by Gazelles International Coaches to work with high-growth businesses.

Team Massive Results focuses on ‘business re-education’ and looks to improve the financial and the operational aspects of its clients, always with an emphasis on measurable results.

By growing the people at the top of the business Team Massive Results enables its clients to grow, develop and realise their ambitions. As Ian says, “The bottleneck is always at the top of the bottle.”

Team Massive Results works with many diverse businesses across varied sectors, from multi-national corporations to small-medium enterprises. Using bespoke methods and techniques, the company works with each client to develop synergies in their business using a measurable, strategic growth road map.

Ian Kinnery himself is no stranger to business success, with over 25 years at the helm of several businesses as an owner, director or senior manager.

The move to Fusion Hive, the new business innovation centre at the heart of Stockton’s Northshore, is an ideal opportunity to build business not only for Team Massive Results, but also for its clients.

Managed and operated by Teesside University, Fusion Hive’s purpose-built, flexible workspace offers the ideal environment for business collaboration . It also gives members access to the University’s significant business networks, expertise and training provision, and the help it provides in sourcing potential funding.

It is this networking and collaboration opportunity that appeals most to Team Massive Results.

Ian Kinnery said: “We are very much looking forward to moving in to Fusion Hive and being part of this modern state-of-the-art facility.“

“The key to our decision to move to Fusion Hive is the fact that we will be joining a vibrant business community and there will be opportunities to collaborate with so many ambitious businesses.”

“Our vision is to grow the leaders of local businesses so that they can grow their companies quickly, safely and sustainably.”

“There is no formula that guarantees business success, but understanding the strengths and capabilities of the individuals leading those businesses, and developing their attitudes, skills and behaviours, will facilitate the growth of their businesses and enable them to realise their potential.”

Laura Woods, Director of The Forge, Teesside University’s business hub, said: “Fusion Hive is designed to enable tenants to maximise their potential by collaborative working.”

“We’re sure that not only will Team Massive Results benefit from this move, but their unique skills and knowledge will be an enormous asset for other Fusion Hive companies.”

Fusion Hive is part-funded by The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The ERDF’s Competitiveness Programme 2007-13 is bringing over £300m into North East England to support innovation, enterprise and business support. It will help create and safeguard 28,000 new jobs, start 3,000 new businesses and increase the productivity by £1.1bn per annum.

Fusion Hive is transforming the way enterprises operate in the region. More than just an office space, Fusion Hive brings together like-minded tenant organisations and gives them the opportunity to network, share knowledge and capitalise on opportunities for growth.

Give your enterprise this opportunity now and join the Hive. Visit or call 01642 384400 for further information.